Florida Exhibitions's Facebook Wall


A Night With The Great Project

Paul Caprio

Christopher Ian Macfarlane


Ashleigh Bremser

Gregory Dirr

Serafima Sokolov

Cesca Veo

Rachael Acosta

Renda Writer

Ben Pachter (left), Rolando Chang Barrero (right)

Sloth Lord

T.J. Brown and family

Chase Vreeland

Shane Watt

Laura Parker

Lauraly Atria

Lady Larva

Jean-Luc Thebaud


American Sweatshop Presents : Stay Tooned , Studio 259

photography courtesy of Devon Alexis Photo

Gigantic Collaborative Drawing
by Paul Mcenery, Gregory Dirr, Renda Writer and Albert Lichi 

Lauraly Atria

Devon Saccomanno

Shane Watt

Albert Lichi

Christopher Ian MacFarlane 

Renda Writer

Gregory Dirr


Musical Performances

Suns of the Morning Star

Pocket of Lollipops

Octo Gato
